from the Chronogram
If you are a geneticist or acquainted with one and would like to see Bill Knott's line perpetuated, I offer these follicle samples and a working womb (mine), to make this (him*, sort of) happen. Please contact me if this is an actual possibility, I am quite serious and will comply with any experimental measure seeming promising. I'd rather my womb not be the host, of course, but if no one's will mine will, conceivably. Thanks. -M
from the Chronogram
If you are a geneticist or acquainted with one and would like to see Bill Knott's line perpetuated, I offer these follicle samples and a working womb (mine), to make this (him*, sort of) happen. Please contact me if this is an actual possibility, I am quite serious and will comply with any experimental measure seeming promising. I'd rather my womb not be the host, of course, but if no one's will mine will, conceivably. Thanks. -M